Wednesday 26 May 2010

Great example of controlling your mind over a long swim or just training...

Sunday 16 May 2010

Racking it up...

Water just shot up from 10.5c to 11c/51.8f which is a great sign for english weather...  That .5 is a world of difference,  some parts in the lake are still def at 8c but some are in the 12c which makes it so much, i want to say fun.  That might sound sadomasochistic but it is actually so much tolerable and something to look forward too when making the rounds....  I am not putting smoke and mirrors it is all mind work!  Once you get in your zen it is all out!

Sunday 2 May 2010

Soreness and Swimming

Everything is going as planned in regards to the last post.

- Laid on 6 kilos from Auz.  Turning a lot of it into muscle with going to the gym three days a week and doing a full body routine on the weights.
- My pool team has helped me out with new kicking tips.  I have put them into practice and it is really made a difference.  All though I am having to breathe more as the legs take up a tremendous amount of O2!  That will come in time...
- Cold water training is going very well.  Thursday hit 4k in 15c.  I was in the water for an 1 hour and 10 minutes that includes acclimatisation.  Yesterday was in the water and only got 49 minutes with 2.7k.  This was effected by the weight training and the massive distance sets we did at the pool on Friday Night.  My arms were like lead weights!
- My bi-lateral breathing is coming along well, not great.  I try to only breathe on my weak side during warm ups and drill work.  During the strenuous sets I only breathe on my strong side but trying hard to hit bi's on those as that will get me used too it...  So this is the only thing that is really on my plate.

So what have I learned, sore arms and cold water training can cause you to drown, ha...